Tuesday, July 8, 2014

49 - I've Got a Special Treat for You, and You're Not Going to Like It

Kyle moves up the scaffolding with amazing speed and agility.
You’d think he was just starting the fight. The Cuscuses are physically and genetically superior to me, and there are three of them, and yet he seems to be handling them with no signs of stopping. For the first time I consider he may be beyond my ability to take down. No, that’s nonsense. None is greater than Thylacine. But it would be wise to reconsider my strategy. Even three Cuscuses can’t take him down. I believe a change in venue is in order, but I know Kyle won’t go willingly.
I let them fight for another twenty minutes. I keep a close eye on their conditions, their breathing, and their speed. I wait until they have him cornered and there is only one path for escape, and then I make my appearance.
Kyle recognizes me instantly and shudders. Apparently I’m not the only one who has had nightmares about those years. He is too stunned to even try to block the Cuscuses’ attack. He’s bound in thick iron chains and locked in a safe before he can recover his wits.
“I’ve got a special treat for you my friend, and you’re not going to like it. Not one little bit. But I will.”
My smile couldn’t be broader.

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