Thursday, April 24, 2014

Of Things to Come

Welcome to the Wandering Koala Tales blog! If you've been following the adventures of Wandering Koala, then you have an idea of what to expect. But if this is your first exposure to this modern pulp hero ... boy are you in for an exciting ride! This blog is the home of a daily serial with a new page of story and an illustration every weekday. The story begins April 29!

So who is the Wandering Koala?

Urban legends from across the globe going back several decades tell of a Silent Wanderer who appears out of nowhere and helps those in their most desperate moment.

No one is sure when these legends began or even where. Hard evidence, such as photography or video, seems to be scarce, and what little exists is brief and questionable. Eyewitness accounts are also difficult to come by, as those providing testimony have just come from an intense, emotionally charged experience that would frazzle even the strongest nerves.

Stories are varied, and certainly he can’t have traveled the entire world over the last five or six decades. Most likely several legends have been combined into one and contributed to him. But it is curious that they all agree on certain, specific details: he is mute, but he always speaks up for those in need; he has sharp claws that can be detach and return (most likely a weapon of sorts); he has traveling companions; he wears red; he is directed by a compass which points him to those who need him most; and his gymnastics and fighting abilities are unparalleled.

So is this urban legend more than just a campfire tale whispered at night? The world may never know...

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