Friday, May 16, 2014

14 - A Gang of Thugs

I stare at him, watching his chest rise and fall. I still can’t believe this is the great fighter, the unconquerable silent wanderer who has crossed more powerful men and groups than a Saturday movie serial champion. He still looks pathetic, like an indistinct nobody that would get lost in any crowd. If I hadn’t faced defeat at his hand personally, I would never have believed it. But that is one of his greatest weapons, his completely unassuming demeanor. His foes underestimate him giving him the advantage. I fell victim to that once. It won’t happen again. This time I will be fully prepared.
While waiting for the train in Lost Wages, I hired three of the city’s top hit men. I know none of them will be a match for him, but watching them fight will provide me with valuable information.
I’ve heard many stories about the Wandering Koala. It’s one of the most popular ghost stories that people on my side of the law like to tell to try and spook each other. I never thought any of them were real. Most people were just repeating stories they’d heard from someone else. The few people I met who had actually tangled with him were so messed up, I logically assumed they had either lost their minds or were telling tales to cope with the loss. I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that even a fraction of the stories I’ve heard may be real. I will find out soon enough.

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